
Important Changes to Our Practice

Update as at February 10th 2021

On the 11th of March 2020, COVID-19 has been classified as a Global Pandemic by the World Health Organisation.

Providing a safe environment for our patients and the communities we operate in will always be a priority.

We are doing all we can to keep our patients and team safe as well as play our role in preventing the spread of Coronavirus COVID-19. This includes following the advice of the Public Health Department, Australian Government and World Health Organisation.

Is it still safe to visit Patrick Street Clinic?

Yes. Our number one priority is both staff and patient safety. As such we have instituted the following changes (These processes will adapt to the changing circumstances.):

  • All patients that have a cough, cold, runny nose, fever or any new symptoms of fatigue are not to attend the clinic. Please contact our clinic on 6425 1611 for a phone consult appointment with a Doctor.
  • Subject to eligibility criteria, phone consultations remain an option if preferred.
  • Physical changes to our reception and waiting rooms encouraging social distancing.
  • We encourage you to use the hand sanitiser provided on entry and exit to the premises.
  • Masks are not mandatory but we encourage you to wear one to protect the vulnerable members of our society. Please respect the choices of individual doctors or nurses if you are asked to wear a mask.

Thank You!

We’d also like to take this opportunity to thank our patients for the overwhelming support and understanding during this time.

As you can imagine, we are experiencing exceptionally high volumes of calls and enquiries and apologise for the occasions where our call waiting times may be a little longer than usual.

So what can you do?

  • Social distancing – avoid hugs, kissing, and keep a meter gap. Reduce travel unless essential, especially using public transport or airports.  
  • Cough etiquette – cough away from people into the crook of elbow. If you have a cough or cold with or without fever wear a mask and self- isolate until completely cleared. Use disposable tissues and throw into trash.
  • Personal hygiene – wash hands frequently – for minimum 20 seconds including backs of hands and between fingers. Try to avoid contact with potentially infected surfaces eg door handles, rails, table tops etc. If travelling use disposable wipes to handle door handles, taps, etc.  
  • Possible infection – If you develop a cough or fever, and/ or have recently travelled or been in contact with someone who has, ring the public health hotline number 1800 671 738 for advice. Do NOT attend your GP owing to risk of infecting other vulnerable patients. If you have essential medical reasons for attending for an assessment you MUST warn reception staff when making an appointment. You will be placed in isolation and suitable protective equipment will be worn by attending nurses and doctors.  
  • Self isolation – Self isolation is mandatory if you have tested positive been tested and are awaiting results or have been identified as a close contact.
  • Influenza vaccine – to reduce the risk of co-infection.

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